Top 10 Tips for Working from Home

There’s a lot of change and uncertainty in today’s climate. If you’ve been working from home like our employees, you might need a few tips to help get adjusted! Here are our top 10 tips for working from home.

  1. Make your bed every morning. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment and starts your day off right.

  2. Have a designated work space, i.e. don’t work from the couch or kitchen table where everyone might be. Find a place where you can have some quiet or privacy if needed. 

  3. Wash your face, brush your hair, and get dressed. When you feel put together, you’re more confident and ready to work.

  4. Take a walk every morning (but keep your distance!). Fresh air is good for you when you're working from home.

  5. Keep coffee on hand. Most offices have a coffee maker or machine on site. You can make a big pot of coffee in the morning and leave it there for whenever I need it.

  6. Make a to-do list and set expectations for the day. Work with your supervisor or boss on what your priorities are. Write down the things that are important to get done that day, and another list of things that aren’t as pressing.

  7. Take a break! Whether it's to make yourself lunch, stretch, or sit outside, use this as motivation to finish a task or two.

  8. Put your phone down. Working from home can make us feel like we always must be connected. It’s okay to not answer an email within 5 minutes or walk away from your computer.

  9. Allow yourself permission to deviate from your schedule. Working from home is not like working at the office. Distractions happen and it’s okay to get off track a little bit.

  10. Give yourself some grace. This is new territory for us all, and we’re all doing the best we can.


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